Friday, April 23, 2021 at 9:13 PM• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 21:15

Ajax is working on the arrival of Patrick van Aanholt, Johan Derksen reports on Friday evening Veronica Inside. The thirty-year-old left back has an expiring contract at Crystal Palace and may be Nicolás Tagliafico’s successor. Ajax’s left back is nominated to leave.

PSV would also be interested in Van Aanholt. “I heard from a generally reliable source that Ajax is working on that left back of Crystal Palace, but also PSV”, said Derksen in the talk show. “And I understand that, because he is transfer-free.” According to Valentijn Tagliafico will be from The Telegraph followed by Leeds United. The Argentinian left back made another wild impression on Derksen against FC Utrecht (1-1) on Thursday by causing a penalty.

“What bothered me: last week I complained here about that wild left back of Ajax, he always goes in like a wild man, and he now causes a totally unnecessary penalty”, says Derksen. Tagliafico started a late tackle and hit Gyrano Kerk’s legs. “Then I think: that’s a shame, not necessary at all, what nonsense. That Church ended up at the back line,” said Derksen.

There is a chance that Tagliafico will be sold, Derksen knows. “There is a chance that he will be sold to Spain, Italy or maybe Leeds. There is that weird coach (Marcelo Bielsa, ed.) Who is always on his haunches, he will know him.” René van der Gijp thinks that Tagliafico should focus on clubs of that level. “That will be a Leeds or Crystal Palace. He will not go to Everton or Tottenham Hotspur,” said Van der Gijp.


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