Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 8:46 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 20:50

Alfred Schreuder has given text and explanation for his choice for the starting eleven of Ajax. On Tuesday evening, the team from Amsterdam will play in the third group match of the Champions League against Napoli and the coach decided not to make any changes compared to the lost game against Liverpool (2-1). Analyst Wesley Sneijder says prior to the meeting with the Italians that he mainly fears for the build-up of Ajax.

“The build-up of backwards is a problem”, says Sneijder in front of the camera of RTL7. “Why do you build up when you’re incarcerated? You want to get to Taylor as fast as you can, but that ball won’t get there because Bassey isn’t the best builder. Napoli wants to put a lot of pressure on tonight and Ajax just has trouble with that. It just happens at too many moments that Ajax cannot build up nicely. Just shoot the ball out of the stadium! You can set the clock to Bassey being the free man. They are going to have it built up,” said the analyst.

Trainer Alfred Schreuder

At the same time, Schreuder does not suffer from tension prior to the match. “This is the most important match for me at Ajax, but I also have experience. Have I prepared another speech? No. It is important that we deliver intensity against Napoli. Those guys want to show that they belong in the Champions League and they hear it. I’m not worried about tonight. I had no doubts about the line-up: it was all clear to me very quickly”, concludes the calm-looking Ajax choice.


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