Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 10:04 PM• Dominic Mostert

Johan Derksen responded on Wednesday evening to the commotion that arose after his confession of sexual abuse. The football analyst appeared to say on Tuesday that he penetrated a woman with a candle in his younger years. However, he now indicates that the candle was ‘perpendicular to the air’ and not in the vagina of the woman in question. Wednesday night reported RTL Boulevard that the Public Prosecution Service Northern Netherlands will issue a statement on Thursday.

“Perhaps it is best to tell the story from the beginning,” Derksen responds. “It was about Johnny de Mol for the umpteenth time. If you sit at such a table every evening, you can become the ethicist of the Netherlands, who pats all those people on the fingers and kills them. But then I think: the people of my generation, who matured and were naughty in the sixties and seventies, went through a riotous period.we have been through a few the context of what is happening now and how people are reacting to it, i wanted to say how that went in the seventies. I think it’s a bit cowardly if I hang someone like Johnny on the highest tree, if I don’t have a clean past myself. That’s why I wanted to tell that story.”

Regular table guest no longer returns to Today Inside after Derksen’s confession

Roos Schlikker does not return in Today Inside after the confession of Johan Derksen.Read article

The columnist in attendance Yesim Candan emphasizes that ‘dissolute’ is a strange choice of words when it comes to sexual violence. Derksen doesn’t seem to like that. “If you just shut up, I’ll finish my story and you can then complete the entire broadcast. Can I just finish my story? You react prematurely, because I want to tell you something,” says the television personality. “How something like this happens: the four of you go there. That one, my girlfriend, kept falling asleep. That could also be due to my qualities in bed. Then we decided to leave. But it was the 1970s. The AD wrote: ‘Derksen penetrates woman with candle’. That was bullshit.”

“It was such a thousand-hour candle, it stands on such a pedestal, a very large thing. We took it, the lady was lying on the couch and we put it between her legs. When we left, that candle was perpendicular into the air. You cannot put a thousand-hour candle in a vagina. That is not the case,” says Derksen. “It’s uncivilized, I was 24. You are ashamed of it. But I wanted to show that the image of the time has changed enormously. Now you are being sacked for everything, then you went over to the order of the day. But I can understand well that many people who now cancel and are active in all kinds of movements, have not experienced that. They do not know what I am talking about.”

Yesim Candan then says that he finds it bad that Derksen speaks about the zeitgeist. “As if it’s less bad then. You have a responsibility after all. Bystanders also have a responsibility. I think someone should have said it went too far.” Derksen responds: “I told it because every time I think about it when someone is slain again who did something. There are a lot of hypocritical people in the Netherlands who speak shame about it, but have also misbehaved like me.” Table guest René van der Gijp then comes with a remarkable response: he does not believe the story, although in his eyes Derksen will ‘never admit’ that it was made up or exaggerated.

Derksen refuses to apologize; ‘extremely shocked’ Talpa wants a conversation

Talpa wants a conversation with Johan Derksen about his statements. Read article

“I don’t believe the story,” said Van der Gijp. “It’s a story from fifty years ago. I tell stories in the country, half of it is true. The other half I made up over the years to make it more fun. I thought about it this afternoon. So you go home with two men who are lame and two women who are even lamer. I don’t believe in that. I don’t believe it’s his story. What he wanted to do is tell a story to show that we Everyone has done something at some point. There must be some truth to it, but I only believe thirty percent of it.” Derksen responds: “It was not a joke and it is not made up.” According to the analyst, there is “no reason” to apologize. “I misbehaved at the age of 24 and I am very sorry. I also made that known before I told the story. But I am not going to make my apologies fifty years later.”

“Four people were present and no one experienced it as rape, because we also had a different attitude in the 1970s,” Derksen said. However, he never spoke to the woman again. “That lady woke up with a thousand-hour candle between her legs. She probably thought: how did that thing get there? And then she went back to normal. Did I talk to her? I don’t even know her name .”