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Top players, but also clubs from home and abroad, provide an insight into the ins and outs of the football world (almost) every day via Instagram, X or other internet channels. In this edition of VZ Social attention to PSV, which boasts of a 17-1 victory of a youth team over a much younger Feyenoord via X.

On Friday morning, PSV posted a video of the 17-1 victory of PSV Under 13-2 over Feyenoord Under 13-2. The big victory caused quite a bit of hilarity among the supporters of the Eindhoven leader. “Was Mario Been there too?”, responds X user Pedro Guardado. Yet PSV's message also caused a stir. Many X users are of the opinion that the people of Eindhoven should not have posted the video, as an important comment is missing.

The missing comment is ultimately placed by the Feyenoord Youth Watcher, an avid follower of Rotterdam talents. “You can safely leave the result of a match between PSV O13 + two O14 players against Feyenoord O12 + two O11 players on social media to PSV.” The Varkenoord fan also adds a photo of the score sheet.

What seems? Feyenoord indeed started with mainly boys from 2012, supplemented by two boys from 2013. PSV, on the other hand, started with boys from 2011, while two basic players were even born in 2010. The video in question has already been viewed more than 100,000 times, with some questioning whether it is necessary to show off a humiliating youth rash. “I have no idea whether it is really necessary for you to throw 12-year-old boys on your social media account in this way. I really feel sorry for that goalkeeper and his shooting defense,” responds a Vitesse supporter.

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