Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at

Amateur football will continue as usual for the next three weeks. The KNVB reports that despite the fact that no public is allowed to be present in the coming weeks due to the new corona measures, there are no reasons to stop football. The measures that were announced on Monday evening will take effect on Tuesday at 6 p.m. and will apply until Tuesday 20 October.

To prevent the further spread of the corona virus, the cabinet announced a number of drastic measures on Monday evening. Supporters are no longer allowed into the stadium and no audience is allowed along the line on the amateur fields for the next three weeks. In addition, the canteens will be closed for the next three weeks. “The most important thing is that sports can continue, for the sport, for the clubs and for the players”, the KNVB responds. “It is safe and responsible to play football. Not only the KNVB thinks this, but NOC * NSF and all sports associations in the Netherlands think so. Exercise is healthy and important in this day and age. All competitions, field and indoor football, will therefore continue for the next three weeks according to the current playing schedule. ” After the measures were announced on Monday, rumors spread that clubs were considering temporarily halting competitions.

Rutte confirms: stadiums will remain empty and canteens will close

Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced drastic measures on Monday evening.Read article

According to the KNVB, there are solid protocols that enable and maintain responsible sports practice. “The past period has also shown that”, it sounds. “The fact that these new measures have been taken, despite compliments of the Prime Minister for the sport, is a huge blow to all associations and the volunteers who work very hard to create a safe situation for its members,” responds director amateur football Jan Dirk. van der Zee. “We are happy that we can continue to play football, but this has enormous financial consequences for the clubs and it hurts club life so much. Unfortunately, we cannot escape these measures. We assume that if everyone complies with the new measures, the sports parks and canteens can safely reopen to the public in three weeks. “

Because no public is allowed to be present and the canteens are closed, sports clubs are missing out on income. “That is why, together with NOC * NSF, we will quickly enter into discussions with the government about the required compensation for our associations. In that consultation, we will determine whether the third support package will be sufficient for the sports world, or whether additional support is needed for associations, ”the KNVB reports. “It is logical that these new government measures raise many questions. We are working hard to clarify all measures for football. ”


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