Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 3:20 PM• Thijs Verhaar • Last update: 15:18

In the New Moun program, Voetbalzone presenter Mounir Boualin takes part in Ramadan for the first time. In addition to participating in the holy month of fasting, he also visits well-known faces from the football world who also eat nothing between sunrise and sunset, but have to perform in a sporting manner. In the second episode of the series, he meets Zakaria Aboukhlal, while also bringing a meal prepared with top chef Mounir Toub to the fasting Idrissa Touré and Ousmane Tannane.

By Mounir Boualin & Thijs Verhaar

Idrissa Touré experienced how, as a maligned football player, you can sometimes instantly become the hero of the fans, when he headed in the winning goal against PEC Zwolle (2-1) on Saturday shortly before time. Thanks to his first goal in seventeen games, Vitesse seems to be five points ahead of Feyenoord with three rounds of play to be almost certain of fourth place in the final ranking, so the Juventus mercenary was in a very good mood when he reached the press. word. And that joy was compounded when he was handed out boxes full of tortillas, marinated cucumbers, and other treats to fill his empty stomach. “Arabic specialties? Nice!

The 23-year-old German with Ghanaian roots is participating in Ramadan with a number of teammates in Arnhem this year and just took his first bite of the day when he was allowed to fill in four minutes before the end. “I took my iftar meal on the couch, got into it and scored too, so I feel blessed. God is great, my friend. Really great”He says in English and with a beaming smile. Touré has a hard time in the Eredivisie, but at the moment he is finally the male due to his winning goal. “And Ramadan is also going well. We do it with a group at Vitesse. With Tannane for example. He always plays ninety minutes and also gave the cross from which I scored. ”

Indeed Tannane is working on an excellent season. Partly thanks to his seven goals and seven assists in the current year, the midfielder is considered a stronghold of his team and his performance does not suffer from the trials of the fasting month, according to his own words. “I think it’s a mental thing. I myself have been fasting since I was thirteen, so then you get used to it ”, says Tannane, who immediately – against the rules – hands over his competition shirt as a thank you for the meal on offer. May Allah reward you generously for your gift. I will really enjoy it. ”

Presenter Mounir Boualin prepares food with chef Mounir Toub for fasting Eredivisie players.

AZ attacker Zakaria Aboukhlal is also busy with Ramadan this month. He has to get used to the different eating rhythm every year for two days and then he does well. “Of course you are thirsty after the training, but I find it less difficult than before.” As a thirteen-year-old, however, the challenge for him was just not eating and not drinking, while now the sport involves a lot more. “Purely because you are busy with all kinds of things.” He is attached to the first team this season, but will certainly not get the playing minutes for free in the Alkmaar vanguard. So he didn’t play during Ramadan yet.

However, he cannot imagine any setback in life that would make him doubt his faith. “I believe that everything happens for a reason and see setbacks as a test for myself how to deal with something. I will never lose the basis of my faith. ” Aboukhlal likes the idea that he can tell more about the month of fasting and his beliefs. “I think it’s great that you are participating now. You just have to see how you experience it yourself, what you feel about it and also examine the underlying thoughts. In addition, it is good to recite the Quran, go to the mosque and spend a lot of time with Muslim friends. They can help you the best ”, he gives as a tip.

Mounir Boualin in conversation with AZ winger Zakaria Aboukhlal.

But what if, despite his introduction to Ramadan and Islam, Mounir continues to feel better about his Dutch background and upbringing? Does that make Aboukhlal look at him differently? “Then I would certainly get a strange picture of you! Just kidding. We must respect and accept every belief. I would only think it would be a shame. I think you’re going to love it when you really delve into things and find things. Then I cannot imagine that you will not continue. ”

Mounir Boualin is a freelance football vlogger, video journalist and presenter. Among other things, he makes interviews about matches for Voetbalzone.