Friday, 18 September 2020 to

Houssem Aouar is still on Arsenal’s list, even if it is questionable whether the London club will succeed in doing business with Olympique Lyon during this transfer period. Jean-Michel Aulas, chairman of Lesson Gones, don’t expect the 22-year-old offensive midfielder to be presented at the Emirates Stadium in the near future.

“I don’t think that’s gonna happen again,” Aulas talks to sports reporter Chris Wheatley on Friday. “We haven’t received a new bid yet. It seems that Arsenal just won’t or can’t pay him. We are talking about our best player here.” Recently it was reported in several foreign media that Arsenal had bid 35 million plus Mattéo Guendouzi for Aouar. Olympique Lyon, however, maintains a minimum asking price of sixty million euros, so it sounds.

Arsenal goes back to top target after sale of 24 million euros

There’s plenty of movement at Arsenal on the transfer market.Read article

Aouar impressed especially last season with his performances on behalf of Olympique Lyon. The counter now stands at 24 goals and 27 assists in 139 matches in the shirt of the semi-finalist in the Champions League. The young midfielder is also said to be on Juventus’ list. Aouar has an ongoing contract in France until mid-2023. Arsenal Manager Mikel Arteta is also hoping for Thomas Partey. The midfielder has an escape clause of 50 million euros in his contract with Atlético Madrid, which in July made an initial bid of the Gunners of 25 million euros rejected

Arsenal has to sell some players first, to be able to finance the arrival of Aouar. Last week goalkeeper Emiliano Martínez was sold to Aston Vila for 22 million euros. In addition, Lucas Torreira is on the nomination to leave London. According to the Uruguayan newspaper El Pais the 24-year-old midfielder is first leased to Torino for twelve million euros. Next year, Torreira will become the final property of the club from Turin with a mandatory purchase option of another twelve million euros.

Entertaining football in Arsenal’s DNA, but we must adapt – Arteta

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