Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 08:58• Wessel Antes

Johan Derksen believes that the new information that has come out about Marc Overmars is not news, as long as the source remains anonymous. That is what the analyst says on Friday evening Today Inside. On Friday, three players of the Ajax Women shared their story The Parool. Two of the three women would have been touched by Overmars, in his time as technical director at Ajax.

Presenter Wilfred Genee throws the subject on the table, after which Derksen responds firmly. “Not anonymous, then I don’t think it’s news, as long as it’s anonymous.” Table guest Hélène Hendriks wonders what the new information adds. “I don’t think it’s really big news at all, because I think this was known.” According to Overmars, the women The Parool on the massage table, although the accusations are not written down in detail and much remains unclear. “It was already known that he regularly came in there and that there were players who did not feel comfortable with that,” said Hendriks.

René van der Gijp continues to be amazed about the entire story. “First of all, I don’t understand what Marc Overmars is looking for in the dressing room of the women’s team. In addition, I do not understand the trainer that he is not addressed after one time. Get out, it’s that simple.” Derksen agrees with Van der Gijp. “It’s very indecent for a guy to step into a women’s locker room.”

Finally, Derksen substantiates his opinion about the anonymous report to The Parool. “I really hate the anonymous, because you can accuse the man of anything anonymously. If you complain about that, you have to do it by name.” Overmars left Ajax at the beginning of February and is now technical director at Royal Antwerp FC, which is currently still clear in Belgium with 27 points from nine matches.