Sunday, 20 September 2020 at

Kenneth Perez is on Sunday night’s television show This was the Weekend from FOX Sports enthusiastic about the goal that Henk Veerman scored for sc Heerenveen on Saturday in the away game against Fortuna Sittard (1-3). The tall striker scored in the first half after a technical tour de force and is a surprising player, according to Perez.

After Heerenveen had already taken a 0-2 lead in the first half hour, Veerman signed for the 0-3 in the 34th minute. In the sixteen, Arjen van der Heide operated the 1-metre-long centre striker with his back towards the goal, after which he cut off the ball with his right side and hit it devastatingly with his left. “It’s really a great goal,” Perez said.

The Danish analyst emphasizes the difficulty of the goal, especially from a technical point of view. “That’s the funny thing about Henk Veerman: he’s either a wooden clout or he’s Romário,” Perez refers to the Brazilian ball virtuoso who caused a furore at PSV and Barcelona in the nineties. “It’s really a goal you think of: wow.”

Perez does emphasize that Veerman regularly alternates technical tours de force with cuddly moments. “Last week (against Willem II, ed.) it was really bad luck, because then he went for the goalkeeper on his own and the ball fell off his foot again. He’s either a wooden ball, or he’s Romário.” Perez ‘very much’ compares Veerman with Gerald Sibon, former striker of Heerenveen and PSV, among others. “I thought Sibon was a bit better in his totality, but he could also do something super technical with his long body out of nowhere. Henk Veerman can do that too”, Perez explains.


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