Thursday 17 September 2020 at

Gareth Bale seems to have played his last match for Real Madrid. Indeed, according to several foreign media, the attacker from Wales is facing a return to Tottenham Hotspur, the club that will offer him a hundred million euros in 2013. the Royal sold. Ramón Calderón, former president of Real, shines his light on the seven seasons of Bale in the service of the Spanish superpower.

“It’s especially a pity that Bale is going to leave”, Calderón sighs in an interview with the Daily Star. “At the time, Bale really had the disadvantage that Real had paid more for him than for Cristiano Ronaldo (94 million euros in 2009, ed.). As a result, his performance was constantly under a magnifying glass. It was really thought that he would be better than Ronaldo. Bale was also unlucky that several injuries had affected him”.

“Real Madrid agrees and continues to pay Gareth Bale millions.

The marriage between Real Madrid and Gareth Bale is rapidly coming to an end.Read article

“It often happens that a player is not as successful after a transfer from one club to another,” Calderón continues his review. “I don’t know, but attracting Bale hasn’t been a resounding success for Real as far as I’m concerned. That’s a pity, because Bale is definitely a player with a lot of qualities”. The old-preses doesn’t think the deal with Tottenham will fail “I can see that. At the age of 31 it is crucial for Bale to stay active in a top league. I think he wants to be considered important again.”

“It seems to me to be the best solution for all parties involved. Tottenham is lucky to have a player of the level of Bale. The supporters there still love him, so the right time for a return seems to have come”, Calderón concludes his story. According to the Daily Mail Bale stands for a rental period at The Spurswho will transfer 14.25 million to Real for the deal. The BBC adds that the attacker will fly to London on Friday to finalize the deal with Tottenham. Pending the talks between the two clubs, Bale is training separately from the group, so it sounds.


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