Monday, September 18, 2023 at 9:02 PM• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 21:12

Andy van der Meijde claims to have heard that an investigation has been launched into Ajax director Sven Mislintat. According to the former right winger, it is being investigated whether the director of football affairs may have made money from certain transfers that took place this summer. “Mislintat must be fired, today,” Van der Meijde firmly believes Veronica Offside.

“I heard in the corridors that an investigation has been started into Mislintat,” says Van der Meijde. “That’s not a joke, I really heard that. They are going to find out whether he makes money from it himself.” Van der Meijde realizes that he is walking on thin ice. “That’s what I heard. I don’t know anything about it myself.”

Presenter Wilfred Genee looks with increasing amazement at the developments in Amsterdam. “An investigation, that’s right on time,” says Genee. “Then you have a headhunting agency that scouted that man together with Edwin van der Sar (ex-managing director, ed.) and Maurits Hendriks (Chief Sports Officer, ed.), then you get a man who in no way affects the club culture. knows and who only gets players from the second division for way too much money…”

Wesley Sneijder also responds to the alleged investigation into Mislintat. “If that really happened, then you can blame everything and everyone at Ajax, including the Supervisory Board, which must monitor the transactions.” Van der Meijde already considers the season for Ajax to be lost. “This season you will simply finish seventh or eighth, unless something happens in the winter transfer period.” Van der Meijde is referring to releasing possible bad buys, but Sneijder thinks it will not be that simple. “There are no fools who fall for that, right?” said Sneijder.

There is a hint of shady surrounding some of Ajax’s purchases. Various media, including The Telegraph and the Algemeen Dagblad, reported on Friday that Ajax paid much more for some players than was necessary. One of the examples of this is Chuba Akpom, who came from Middlesbrough for a maximum of 14.4 million euros. The striker would have been offered in England for half.

Johan Derksen’s statements about Mislintat
Johan Derksen also suspects shady practices at Ajax, the former left back said on Friday Today Inside. “He threw money around and then you give the impression that there is action behind the scenes,” said Derksen. “Then there are people who benefit. Especially with foreign players, there are always people who share.” Derksen does not understand why Ajax decided to do business with the German. “Who appointed him? How did they get that man? Maurits Hendriks? That is a disaster if you bring that man in. The salvation for Ajax is that man who will soon come over from AZ (Alex Kroes, ed.). He does have an overview. You can send them a message.”