Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 8:43 PM• Martin van Mourik

In 2023, social media will be a cornerstone of society. Top players such as Lionel Messi, Memphis Depay and Cristiano Ronaldo, but also clubs from the Netherlands and abroad, give (almost) daily insight into the ins and outs via Instagram, Twitter or other internet channels. Special football moments also travel across the planet at lightning speed. Football zone put the craziest, most beautiful and most striking posts on social media in the section VZ Social on a row.

UEFA made a striking mistake on Wednesday evening. Via the official Twitter account, the European Football Association suddenly published competitions for the upcoming Champions League final, while the return of the semi-final between Manchester City and Real Madrid has yet to be played. UEFA may have prepared the images to publish immediately after the semi-final, but they were posted too early. In the end, the tweets were online for no less than 32 minutes and the messages were viewed almost two million times.


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