Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 2:48 PM• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 14:58

One riot around Johan Derksen has not yet been resolved, or the next one is born. The former football player kicked in VI Today after direction Bram Moszkowicz and the former lawyer is absolutely not served. “Some people think that Derksen is becoming senile,” Moszkowicz sneered. Show news† “I don’t know. I’m not a doctor, I can’t judge that.”

Moszkowicz was in the picture to become a regular table guest in VI Today and was a guest at forerunner in December Veronica Inside† The former lawyer also regularly joins Show news and recently defended the interests of the discredited Marco Borsato and Lil Kleine. According to critics, Moszkowicz’s impartiality is at stake, because his son Nathan Moszkowicz is the manager of Borsato’s daughter and Lil Kleine.

Derksen spoke to Moszkowicz about this in his own talk show in December and now lashed out again. “This stems from the fact that he just has to earn an income now,” said the analyst. His table companion Özcan Akyol went even harder: “Once that man was really the lawyer of the Netherlands and now he is very pathetic. Show news with all those other slime balls out there. It’s sad to see what’s happening there, isn’t it?”

Moszkowicz was surprised by what VI Today was said. “I don’t know where it comes from,” said the disbarred lawyer, who had already joined Derksen. “That was satisfactory, they thought. Then I was put on the list of names that pretty much everyone was on… I was invited to become a regular table man there. I never got that invitation again. But I don’t mind all that, but I think this is cowardly. Especially because when I’m there, it’s a smile on my face and: ‘How are you?’, and nice and blah blah blah. And then you get this.”

“You know what it’s about? I can criticize, but look…”, he continued. “I don’t know what’s going on. I then texted Wilfred Genee, who I know pretty well, and I said, ‘If they have balls then invite me and I’ll argue with them. , but then I’ll be there.’ He doesn’t know whether that will come of it. “Nice match”, that’s how I ended it. I haven’t heard anything more. Wilfred has said, ‘I’ll pass it on.'”

Moszkowicz cannot resist giving Derksen a stab in the water. The lawyer states that the former left-back ‘according to some is becoming senile’. According to him, that is not to hit back. “No, but I read that. A lot of people have said that.” Albert Verlinde finds it ‘intense’ of Moszkowicz to say something like this: “Can’t you keep it chic too?” Moszkowicz: “I like it chic. That’s what other people say about him. And what eus I sometimes don’t understand that, so I don’t want to say anything about that.”