Monday, September 28, 2020 at

The cabinet’s decision to no longer admit the public to sports matches has a hard time affecting Dutch professional football. In a press release, the KNVB, Eredivisie and Kitchen Champion Division are critical of the new measures that will hit professional football in the Netherlands hard. “This is of course very sour, especially since there is no scientific evidence between the presence of an audience in a stadium and the increase in the number of corona cases in the Netherlands,” the statement read.

During the past week, there was criticism from society for the undisciplined behavior of certain supporter groups, but last weekend the vast majority of supporters in the stadiums adhered to the applicable measures. Still, the government decided to ban the public. “This is also hitting professional football hard, hard,” said the press release. “But apparently this is necessary. Safety and health above all. No (sports) event is allowed to be attended by an audience for the next three weeks.”

Professional football is of the opinion that the risk of infection in stadiums is small. “Football has really done everything it can and has invested heavily to create a safe situation in stadiums. We also believe that it worked very well and research shows this. We have been overloaded with compliments from local governments. Nevertheless, Den chooses. Hedge now for these measures. We have to accept this. Unfortunately. Football takes its responsibility. “

Due to the lack of supporters, the financial worries of the professional football clubs in the Netherlands are increasing. “Having to play without an audience does of course make the call for support from The Hague even louder and louder. The cabinet will understand that. Just as they did before.” Professional football previously appealed to government support, although a general emergency package was rejected by the government.

Professional football also calls on people to comply with the measures. “We assume that if everyone adheres to the new measures, we will be able to play with the public again as soon as possible. incalculable in the Netherlands. “