Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 8:40 PM• Tom Rofekamp • Last update: 20:42

The municipality of Waalwijk is taking extra measures around RKC Waalwijk – Ajax next Saturday. According to AT5 in any case, additional police will be deployed. The measures follow the events in Amsterdam last Sunday. Then things completely went off the rails during and after the Classic against Feyenoord.

The Classic was stopped after 55 minutes on Sunday with a 0-3 score for the Rotterdam team. Then for the second time that afternoon, fireworks were thrown onto the field. Before that, the game had already been stopped twice due to a thrown cup and a previous fireworks display. Ajax’s hard core then also caused a commotion outside the stadium.

The main entrance, among other things, was forced open, which meant the riot police had to be involved. A total of fifteen arrests were made. The municipality of Waalwijk wants to prevent such a scenario and is now announcing additional measures. “Due to the events in Amsterdam, contact with our partners has been scaled up and we are taking measures that we deem necessary to safeguard safety and public order,” the statement said.

Ajax itself came up with a clear statement on Sunday after the strike in the Classic. “This is not the behavior that belongs to Ajax. Disappointment about the poor start to the season is completely understandable, but should never be the reason for disturbances. We apologize to anyone who has felt unsafe or has been bothered by this in any other way. ” Mayor Femke Halsema of Amsterdam has already ordered Ajax to thoroughly search every supporter and in any case place them near the F-side nets.


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