Sunday, 13 September 2020 at

Neymar got it on Sunday night with defender Álvaro González of Olympique Marseille. During the match between Paris Saint-Germain and Olympique Marseille it seemed that Neymar felt racist by his opponent. During the confrontation the attacker said clearly in front of the cameras: ‘Racismo no’, or: ‘No racism’.

On social media it is claimed that Álvaro would have said ‘shut up, monkey’ to Neymar during the altercation, but it is not entirely clear from the images whether this is indeed the case. It seems that the star player of PSG reacts to something he hears from the mouth of the defender. The incident took place in a particularly heated first half of le Classique. Arbiter Jérôme Brisard awarded five yellow prints in the first 45 minutes, the first of which were for Neymar and Dimitri Payet after ten minutes.

The tastemakers got caught up in a riot after a hard tackle by Neymar on Payet. The Brazilian then showed himself particularly dissatisfied with the arbitration, with his reaction to an incident with Ángel Di María and Álvaro González as the highlight. In minute 36, Di María walked past Álvaro, who claimed to be spit on by the Argentinean. It was not completely clear from the camera images whether that was indeed happening, but Di María did turn his face towards Álvaro.

Álvaro urged the arbitration to take another look at the camera footage, while Neymar also got angry towards the arbitration and his opponent. After that, the altercation with Álvaro took place, in which he may have been racist. After that, Neymar launched a tirade towards Álvaro and the technical staff of Olympique Marseille, but the arbitration did not intervene. At that moment it was 0-1 for Olympique Marseille, thanks to a goal by Florian Thauvin.


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