Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 8:49 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 21:27

Writer and columnist Roos Schlikker will not return to Today Inside. The regular dinner guest announces via Twitter that she has canceled the cooperation on Wednesday morning. She responded to a call from presenter Margriet Vroomans, who expressed the wish ‘that no woman wants to be a guest in this raunchy program where a rapist gets the laughter on his hand’.

Schlikker was a regular table guest from February, but does not want to return to the program after Derksen confessed on Tuesday evening that he had sexually abused a woman in his younger years. Derksen said he penetrated a drunk, unconscious woman with a candle. He later said he would not take back a word and would not apologize. Wednesday evening he will be on the broadcast of Today Inside elaborate on his statements.

Bee RTL Boulevard Entertainment expert Aran Bade reported on Wednesday that the Public Prosecution Service in the Northern Netherlands will issue a statement about Derksen on Thursday. The program contacted the Public Prosecution Service Northern Netherlands, because the possible rape by Derksen would have taken place in the north. However, Derksen does not seem to have to expect criminal consequences, because the case is probably time-barred.


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