Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 2:43 PM• Davey de Laat • Last update: 15:18

Ralf Seuntjens shared great news on Instagram on Thursday afternoon. The 33-year-old striker has announced that the activity of his lymph node cancer has disappeared. Seuntjens was diagnosed with a tumor under the sternum last May. The attacker then immediately returned from Japan to start his treatment in the Netherlands.

“What an intense year it has been for me,” the 33-year-old striker, who is under contract with the Japanese FC Imabari, begins on Instagram. “After my chemotherapy, I was confident that the results would be good in November. Unfortunately, the scan in November was uncertain and they assumed a recurrence.” In the meantime, the activity of the lymph node cancer has disappeared.

“Last week a new scan was made and the miracle was there, because the activity of the lymph node cancer was gone!”, says Seuntjens. “Unreal, relieved and incredibly grateful. I can and can look to the future again. I want to thank everyone for the enormous support.”


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