Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 4:53 PM• Last update: 16:57

The game between Sparta Rotterdam and Go Ahead Eagles started in a dramatic way on Saturday afternoon. After less than a minute of play, Tom Beugelsdijk ended up completely wrong after an aerial duel. The center defender was cared for on the field of Het Kasteel for minutes and was eventually driven off the field with a stretcher on a golf cart.

Beugelsdijk went into a header duel with Isac Lindberg and then collapsed hard on his back. Referee Richard Martens immediately recognized the seriousness of the situation and urged the caretakers to get onto the field quickly. The players of Sparta and Go Ahead formed a hedge together to block the view of Beugelsdijk’s treatment. ESPN also decided not to show a repeat of the incident.

Caregivers of Sparta and Go Ahead and the rushed first aid were busy with him for about six minutes, before Beugelsdijk was taken off the field with a stretcher on a golf cart to loud applause and singing from supporters of both teams. Martens briefly consulted with captains Adil Auassar and Bas Kuipers before the match resumed with Bart Vriends replacing Beugelsdijk.

It is not yet clear how Beugelsdijk is doing, but the ESPN commentator said that the defender is being cared for in the stadium. That means he is not on his way to the hospital for the time being. “Hope it goes well for Beugelsdijk. Looked scary. Good luck!” writes ESPN analyst Kees Kwakman on Twitter. Özcan Akyol also shares a statement of support and writes a heart behind Beugelsdijk’s name.


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