Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at

Despite the tightened corona measures, the Women’s Eredivisie can continue. This was announced by Minister Tamara van Ark of Medical Care and Sports on Wednesday in the corona debate in the Lower House. “Let me be very clear about it, because what applies to men also applies to women,” the minister stated during the corona debate.

Earlier in the day, the KNVB was told by the Ministry of VWS that the Women’s Eredivisie, like most other team sports, had to be shut down for at least four weeks. The exception to the corona measures would only apply to male professional players in the Eredivisie and Kitchen Champion Division. It caused quite a stir on social media.

According to Daphne Koster, Ajax’s manager of women’s football, it was ‘a relapse into old ways of thinking’. “I understand very well that we now have to do everything we can to contain the corona virus. But I don’t understand that the government makes a distinction between men’s and women’s football. “

“Women’s football is also an industry that houses top athletes. This decision-making seems to be a relapse into old ways of thinking,” Koster emphasized. copy a whole. ”

Van Ark is still very careful. The minister first wants to discuss with the KNVB how the measures that apply to men’s teams, such as the ‘sports bubble’ in which they live and the medical supervision, can also apply to women’s teams.

The Women’s Eredivisie started at the beginning of September and has now been underway for four rounds. Just like with the men, the previous season was ended prematurely due to the corona pandemic.