Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 11:01 PM• Jonathan van Haaster • Last update: 23:18

Julian Nagelsmann may still be the new coach of Tottenham Hotspur. The German seemed to have dropped out of the job earlier, but The Times reports that talks between club and trainer have resumed. Nagelsmann has indicated that there must be clarity about the new sporting director. The departed Fabrio Paratici has still not been followed up. Now that Nagelsmann is back in talks with the Spursthe chance seems to have increased that Feyenoord coach Arne Slot will stay in Rotterdam.

However, Slot is still a candidate to work with the North Londoners. Rúben Amorim from Sporting Portugal is also an option, as is Ange Postecoglu from Celtic. Tottenham will not make a decision until the new technical director has been appointed. Paratici resigned from Tottenham in April when it emerged he would be banned from football for 30 months due to financial disarray at his former club Juventus.

Nagelsmann has been clubless since his resignation from Bayern Munich. After Antonio Conte also received his congé at Tottenham, the English entered into talks with Nagelsmann. The German was also strongly linked to being a trainer at Chelsea, but so far he has not put a scribble anywhere. Nagelsmann’s agent, Volker Struth, indicated half a week ago that he was pleased that his client was not going to work at the Blues. Nagelsmann may still get to work in London, but then at Tottenham.

Feyenoord is also doing everything it can to keep Slot. For example, it was announced that the Bergentheimer has been promised a substantial salary increase in an attempt to keep him in De Kuip. Slot is holding off for the time being and therefore did not want to confirm around the championship festivities that he will stay. The former midfielder has indicated at an earlier stage that the Premier League is an interesting competition.


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