Jasper Cillessen is very disappointed about the lost match with Go Ahead Eagles (1-2) in the battle for a ticket for the preliminary round of the Conference League. In front of the camera ESPN the goalkeeper of the Nijmegen team turned his hand after the loss, as he made a mistake in the 87th minute.

Go Ahead Eagles qualified for the final of the play-offs on Thursday evening. With the score at 1-1, Cillessen ducked under the ball after a free kick from Philippe Rommens, causing the ball to fall in. The successful season was suddenly over for NEC.

Cillessen is really disappointed. “It is indeed an unpleasant evening. It really sucks, and I'm standing here with the plague in my body. It was a difficult match with many chances against. In the end I misjudged the ball and we lost the match.”

“We weren't feeling well today either,” Cillessen continues. “Still, we stayed in the match for a long time and took a 1-0 lead. A ball made it 1-1, and the 1-2 was even worse.”

“I saw that free kick was taken and I had to wait to see if the ball would be extended. But he bounced, I reacted to that and he just went over it. That ball jumped away from me. I had completely misjudged that.”

“You want to wait as long as possible to see if the attacker hits him, but he didn't. Then you feel very bad about it. Go Ahead indeed had 25 shots and I played well, but that is of no use to you now.”

“It's painful and I don't have an explanation for it yet. In the dressing room it was indicated that it has been a fantastic year, but I don't feel that pride yet,” concludes the deeply disappointed Cillessen.

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