Sunday, May 15, 2022 at 9:23 PM• Jordi Tomasowa • Last update: 21:27

Willem van Hanegem questions the place for Vincent Janssen in the pre-selection of the Dutch national team. The columnist of the General Newspaper also does not understand why national coach Louis van Gaal has not called up Georginio Wijnaldum for the Nations League duels with Belgium, Wales and Poland in June. “That whining that Wijnaldum plays too little, one is judged on that and the other is not,” says Van Hanegem.

The fact that Vincent Janssen is in the pre-selection of the Dutch for the coming international matches has not only caused surprising reactions in Mexico. The Monterrey striker has not had a strong season with 3 goals in 27 games and was recently even whistled by the supporters of his club. Van Hanegem also understands little of his appeal. “Placing Vincent Janssen in the pre-selection almost seems like Van Gaal thought at home: I’m going to do something really crazy, I don’t care, I’m the boss. Then let them complain,” writes Van Hanegem.

“But he then takes into account the fact that the Dutch press finds almost everything that Louis does normal,” he continues the curve† “If Frank de Boer had done this, the country would have been too small. But Van Gaal may soon call up a striker who can’t even play all international matches because he has to get married.” Van Gaal’s invitation will be received with mixed feelings at Janssen, as the attacker will tie the knot on June 4. His mother has announced that he will in any case miss the Nations League match with Belgium when a final call is made.

Van Hanegem can imagine why people in Mexico reacted with surprise to Janssen’s call. “He has scored so few goals in recent months that they still think we are playing a joke on that boy.” The columnist, on the other hand, does stand up for Wijnaldum passed by Van Gaal, who had to make do with a reserve role at Paris Saint-Germain this season. “That whining that he plays too little, one is judged on that and the other is not. As a coach you find it a requirement or not at all. And not just when it suits you. And call Guus Til and not Wijnaldum, you hardly believe that, do you?”


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