Monday, April 12, 2021 at 4:26 PM• Dominic Mostert

AC Milan and Gianluigi Donnarumma have not yet reached an agreement on the extension of his expiring contract. The goalkeeper has already declined two offers from the club management, so that an agreement currently seems far away. Club legend Alessandro Costacurta is irritated by the position of the 22-year-old goalkeeper: he sees that Donnarumma regularly kisses the club logo on his shirt, but does not understand why he does not sign.

Donnarumma currently earns six million euros a year. At the end of last month, transfer market expert Gianluca Di Marzio reported that Donnarumma declined an offer of a contract at the same annual wages, plus a potential bonus of one million euros if the club qualifies for the Champions League. Milan then increased the basic salary offered to EUR 7 million, while the bonus remained the same in the second contract offer. Donnarumma again declined the rapprochement; Reportedly agent Mino Raiola wants an annual salary of twelve million euros for his client. La Gazzetta dello Sport reported last month that Donnarumma has not yet responded to a new offer of an annual wage of eight million euros.

“I can’t look into his head because we are different people,” emphasizes Costacurta, who spent his entire playing career at the San Siro between 1986 and 2007, apart from a one-season rental at Monza at the start of his career. “We also had agents, but we decided to stay with Milan without thinking too much about it. We probably made less money than we could have made, but we stayed with Milan.” Costacurta played 458 league games for Milan. The former defender also played 59 times for the Italian national team and became an analyst after his career Sky Italia.

“I don’t think Milan can offer more. As Paolo Maldini (technical director, ed.) Has already indicated, Milan has drawn up a budget that they must adhere to,” he says at the channel. “The situation is pretty clear. I don’t like what Raiola does, but who is ultimately responsible? Donnarumma kisses the shirt, but then it takes so much time to sign a new contract. Then why is he kissing the shirt? “Maybe I’m old school, but why is he kissing the shirt? Maybe he will soon be kissing the shirt of his next club. Maybe I’m not smart enough to understand, but I like to see less kissing and more concrete action.”

Donnarumma has been linked in the corridors with Juventus, Chelsea, Manchester United and Real Madrid. Although the youth exponent’s contract extension is a major priority for Milan, the club is aware that there will be no deal. The search for a successor has therefore already been set in motion: Mike Maignan of Lille OSC, Juan Musso of Udinese and Pierluigi Gollini of Atalanta, according to La Gazzetta dello Sport. seen as potential new goalkeepers. Sky Italia recently added the name of Alphonse Aréola; that goalkeeper is currently being loaned to Fulham by Paris Saint-Germain.