Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 5:46 PM• Wessel Antes • Last update: 17:51

Niklas Süle is currently suffering in Germany. The 27-year-old defender of Borussia Dortmund was recently left out of the selection of the national team ‘due to a wrong attitude and mentality’, but according to clubless coach Felix Magath there is more to it: the German states that Süle is ten kilos overweight walks around. “And then also find it normal? That is not possible”, Magath judges as a guest analyst at the German Sky.

Süle, 45-time international of Germany, made the transfer-free transfer from Bayern Munich to Dortmund last summer. For BVB De mandekker played 41 official matches this season, in which he scored two goals and four assists. Still, Magath noticed something about Süle’s fitness: he would be much too heavy. “We consider the German Bundesliga to be professional right? At least it was until now. I don’t know any top athlete who is ten kilograms overweight. I’ve never seen it this bad before.”

Magath thinks it’s a big scandal, as his words show. “I can only watch it with dismay right now. A top athlete, who earns a seven-figure sum… That we should talk about this.” Magath then again emphasizes what his opinion is. “How can you walk around with ten kilos overweight? And do you think it’s normal? That is not possible. I only hear: we play football so fast, everything has become so fast, everything is going so well in Germany. Then I wonder: how can that be when players are ten kilos overweight? I do not understand that.” Magath is known as a trainer who always gets his selections top fit.

Süle has also suffered from weight problems earlier in his career. The defender makes no secret of loving good food and beer. National coach Hansi Flick announced at a press conference last week why he has not called up Süle for the current international match period. “I think he misses a lot. I want him to take steps in his attitude and his mentality. For me would Niki could be one of the best central defenders out there. Its potential is enormous. I was ninety percent satisfied. But the ten percent that is missing does not make that good enough. That’s what matters to me. I think every player of the national team has a duty to get the most out of his potential.”


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