Monday, September 28, 2020 at

The analysts of Veronica Inside do not have a good word on Monday evening for the behavior of Dusan Tadic after the game against Vitesse (2-1 win). Immediately after the game, the captain of Ajax sought confrontation with Riechedly Bazoer and made it clear to him with a provocative hand gesture that the team from Amsterdam took three points. Wim Kieft, Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp are all critical of Tadic.

“I was terribly annoyed by that Tadic afterwards, with Daley Blind compared to Bazoer”, Kieft opens. “I think that is so small. If you have won, and you are going to say a little bit:” We have three points, you have nothing. ” Bazoer went to the audience with his hand behind his ear, but that is just a man. If he were wise enough not to do all that, then he played at Ajax. It is just a boy with a manual, that has that Oussama Tannane too. “

Derksen is generally disturbed by Tadic. “He considers himself a kind of deity,” said the analyst. “You should not do anything about that, because even if someone sometimes commits an offense against him, he has a face of: how do you get it into your head to commit an offense against me? No dude, brighten up. “Van der Gijp also finds the behavior of the Serbian attacker disgusting.” You can’t imagine that Marco van Basten or we would rage against a Vitesse guy in the past? You let that go dude, let go. Whatever he says to you, you have three dots, go inside. “

Incidentally, the analysts did enjoy the game in itself. Vitesse star Tannane in particular received a favorable rating. “It played well, didn’t it”, says Derksen. “If you have a trainer who can deal with him … because of course he is a terrible little guy, he has problems everywhere. But if he feels good about himself, there is no better.” Kieft adds: “The question is whether he can do that week in, week out. I don’t think he can. But I really thought he was unparalleled. He did exaggerate a bit in the end.”