Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 08:34• Wessel Antes • Last update: 08:40

Johan Derksen has Friday night in Inside today a remarkable event in the editorial office of the General Journal featured. Journalist Angela de Jong spoke hard in her column in the direction of NOSpresenter Jack van Gelder, but Derksen thinks that is unjustified. “Angela should worry about what is happening at the AD.” Then the high-profile analyst comes up with a rather dubious anecdote.

De Jong wrote in her column on Friday, among other things: “If they were all like this in the past twenty years Studio Sports as Jack, I am still surprised that ‘only’ a hundred reports have been received.” Derksen thinks it is unfair that De Jong, who is a regular guest at Inside today, points to other editors. “Angela should worry about what happens at the AD, I also know a few things about that, but I don’t hear her about that either. If it’s anywhere else, Angela will be the first to call.”

Presenter Wilfred Genee then asks if Derksen wants to tell more, after which a demonstration follows. “An editor comes from the toilet, and you are working there”, Derksen begins the story, after which he stands up. “That guy who comes and puts his case on the table and says to that woman: ‘Can you turn this bite of skin into a stiff cock?’ Well, I have not yet seen Angela de Jong make a column about that.” The anecdote is listened to with surprise. “Completely unusual”, says René van der Gijp. Hélène Hendriks bursts out laughing in surprise. “I think this is a very crazy story, haha. Very crazy!” The name of the editor in question is not mentioned.

Abuses at NOS Sport
On Friday, a large-scale investigation of the Volkskrant published after abuses in the editorial office of NOS Sport. The newspaper spoke to 32 employees and former employees in recent months. This revealed the image of an unsafe working climate. Jack van Gelder and Tom Egbers in particular received various accusations and accusations against them. In his response, which was included in the article, the latter already went deep into the dust. “I look back on this whole period as an exceptionally sad one, in which I made mistakes. I regret that. Unfortunately I can’t take it back.”