Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 7:37 PM• Rian Rosendaal

Guus Hiddink seems to be returning to the Curaçao football association as technical director. A spokesperson for the union reported on Tuesday to the NOS that the talks about the position for Hiddink have reached the concluding phase. The now 75-year-old Dutchman was also associated with Curaçao as national coach and technical director between 2020 and 2021. Due to the corona virus, Hiddink was unable to do his job for some time last year.

Patrick Kluivert was therefore appointed as interim national coach and after careful consultation it was decided to tear up Hiddink’s permanent contract. The decision was made when it was already known that Curaçao could no longer qualify for the World Cup in Qatar. It was recently announced that Hiddink will act as a sounding board for the new head coach Ruud van Nistelrooij and assistant coach Fred Rutten starting next season.

Hiddink announced his retirement as coach last September, but that does not mean he will disappear from football completely. The arrival of Hiddink to Curaçao in 2020 also led to dissatisfaction with then national coach Remco Bicentini, who had to leave the field against his will. Nevertheless, Bicentini will go to the World Cup later this year, as an assistant coach of Canada.


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