Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 9:54 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 22:03

Yesim Candan sees a relaunch of Today Inside. The columnist of RTL Nieuws was a guest in the penultimate broadcast of the program and argued fiercely with Johan Derksen. She talks to the General Newspaper that the diners of Today Inside serve a ‘huge constituency’, for which there is now ‘actually nothing’ left on television. Image expert Zabeth van Veen also thinks that the program can be resumed if sponsors are found.

“In a country of freedom and democracy, these kinds of programs should exist,” Candan said in an interview with the United Nations General Newspaper† “Compare it with a political party that also represents a group of voters. If good conversations are had with the station, the program can continue. This trio is indispensable on Dutch television.” She says that Derksen reminds her of her Turkish father and grandfather. “I grew up with these kind of men. Say or do things that are unacceptable, but never never never say sorry. That he said ‘lick my ass’, it was like my grandfather.”

“Who has left after the allowance affair? Only Lodewijk Asscher has left, but everyone is still there. And Johan is actually just a Turk. Turks can also cry emotionally: it’s over, it’s done. And still on,” said Candan. . Image expert Van Veen wonders which sponsors dare to be associated with Derksen. “If your customer group consists largely of women, then you ignore such a show. I think this will be a search, although there will always be a beer brand that focuses mainly on men that is interested , or a company with a rebellious image.”

Van Veen thinks that Talpa is not too concerned about the image of SBS 6, the channel that broadcast the program. “Today Inside was one of the best-scoring programs, they do not want to lose that. Derksen defended John de Mol full of fire in the talk show when it was about The Voice, for example. John and Johan are quite on the same page, I think they are from the old stamp. I don’t think De Mol really wants to keep the program off the air.”

Derksen creates clarity about possible return Today Inside

Johan Derksen is not counting on a return of the Today Inside program.Read article

Candan was attacked on social media after she replied to Derksen last Wednesday. For example, she shared a comment from someone who said she hopes Candan “get raped for good one day”. The columnist said in the broadcast that Derksen used a strange choice of words by placing his candle anecdote within a ‘loose period’. “If you just shut up, I’ll finish my story and you can then complete the entire broadcast. Can I just finish my story? You react prematurely, because I want to tell you something”, Derksen responded. The calling lawyer Job Knoester called her derogatory ‘lady at the bar’.

It General Newspaper reported Tuesday evening that the daily talk show may return on SBS6. According to the newspaper, the television channel is looking at whether it is possible to make a new start with Derksen, but he himself stepped on the brake. “I’ve stopped taking it and I’ll leave it at that”, was the short reaction of Derksen to the AP Tuesday evening. “There may be conversations, but at least they aren’t with me.”