Friday, May 6, 2022 at 6:15 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 18:17

Crawley Town bids farewell to John Yems. With ‘mutual consent’, the trainer and the number twelve of the League Two separate, Crawley Town announced. Yems was banned indefinitely by his club last month after multiple accusations of racism were leveled against the trainer. The FA is investigating those allegations, but Yems and Crawley Town are not waiting for the conclusions of the investigation.

Yems would have used two different changing rooms. He assigned players to one of the two dressing rooms based on their skin color. He is said to have said to white players, among other things: ‘Don’t change in the black boys’ locker room.’ Yems is said to have used the n-word regularly and also used other names with a racist connotation for his players. Details of Yems’ misconduct came out after a group of players complained to players’ union PFA.

According to the Daily Mail he called players of Asian descent “curry munchers.” Yems is said to have called one player a “suicide bomber” in particular, who had better not sit on the train with a backpack, because other passengers would suspect that he was going to blow up the train. Another black player was dubbed “zulu warrior” by Yems, who called a Cypriot player a “Greek bobble-head” and ridiculed Greek music. He is also said to have banned two players with a migration background from training with the first team without giving any reason.

The use of the nicknames has been confirmed by a player, who spoke anonymously with the Daily Mail† He said several players were traumatized and in tears by Yems’ behavior. “It’s been going on since 2020/21. Nobody said anything about it, because he’s the trainer. Sometimes you say something in the heat of the battle, but this trainer is different. He abuses his power.” Another staffer said Yems himself would explain his behavior as teasing. “But it’s race-based bullying and it has a detrimental effect on multiple players. It made people uncomfortable, but didn’t say anything.”

According to the staff member, it was understandable that players did not bite off. “These are not Premier League players. Once they argue with the coach, they’re out of the club and they can leave professional football. Where do you go when you leave Crawley?” Yems recently denied the allegations. However, when he Sky News When asked about the situation, he called the police to complain about the journalist approaching him on the street. Crawley said in an earlier statement that he will not tolerate racism, but now does not say a word about the reason for Yems’ departure. Assistant coach Lewis Young takes the honors for the time being at the club that is active on the fourth level of England.


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