Monday, September 28, 2020 at

Young Ajax won the second match in a row in the Kitchen Champion Division on Monday evening. At home, where a small number of supporters were still welcome, Excelsior was defeated 3-0. The goals were scored in the second half and came in the name of substitute Brian Brobbey and base clients Lassina Troaré and Kenneth Taylor. With the victory, the U21s from Amsterdam come to six points and it climbs to eleventh place in the ranking.

Young Ajax coach Mitchell van der Gaag had Lassina Traoré at his disposal on Monday evening. The talented striker came into action with the main force against Vitesse for only a few minutes on Saturday and was allowed to make his minutes against Excelsior at De Toekomst. Prior to the match, Van der Gaag spoke to FOX Sports indicates that more is expected from Traoré now that he is fully training with the main force and regularly comes into action there. Still, the striker was unable to impress in the first half. The best opportunities were in the first act for the visitors from Rotterdam.

Ahmad Mendes Moreira was closest to the opening goal. The winger tried from a distance and hit the bar via the fingertips of Kjell Scherpen. The keeper had to come back into action moments later when Joël Zwarts got a big chance. The Excelsior attacker was unable to pass Scherpen. Young Ajax did not get any clearances and handed out pinpricks with long shots from Victor Jensen and Giovanni. Naci Ünuvar fired just wide of the penalty area just before half time. It turned out to be Ünuvar’s last move, as he was replaced by Brobbey at half time. With him within the lines, the home team looked a lot more threatening and the victory was won.

The substitute striker needed only six minutes to open the score. In the 51st minute, Taylor had a nice little rocker in the house with which he released Devyne Rensch, who had come along, free for goalkeeper Alessandro Damen. The talented defender kept the overview and offered Brobbey a chance not to be missed: 1-0. It was the ninth goal of the eighteen-year-old striker in twenty Kitchen Champion Division duels. Two minutes later, Brobbey cleared the penalty area, after which Damen prevented Excelsior from falling behind. With Brobbey within the lines, Jong Ajax looked a lot more threatening. He came in strongly and kept the Excelsior defenders fully occupied, also saw head coach Erik ten Hag from the stands.

Young Ajax controlled the second half and Excelsior was unable to play football anymore. Van der Gaag’s team increased the pace and that led to the 2-0 after an hour of play. Damen was attentive to a long shot from Taylor, but in the rebound Traoré was there like the chickens to work the ball hard against the ropes from close range. In the phase that followed, Excelsior was given several opportunities. Mitchell van Rooijen tried with a hard shot from a distance. His bet was changed direction, but Scherpen was attentive and did not allow a goal against. In the final phase, Young Ajax came to 0-3: Taylor was looking for a combination with substitute Alex Mendez from a short corner. The American returned the ball to the midfielder, who dribbled into the penalty area and hit the far corner.

Voetbalzone is the official media partner of the Kitchen Champion Division

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Date:Monday, September 28, 2020, 6:45 PM

Stadium:Sports Park De Toekomst (Amsterdam-Duivendrecht)


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