Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 7:33 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 19:36

Singer Emma Heesters made some bedroom secrets public on Tuesday evening. Wesley Hoedt’s girlfriend late in conversation with the magazine Beau Monde know that she likes to wear spicy lingerie, which is a completely new experience for the center defender of Anderlecht. “He was not used to having a party in bed every time,” Heesters says.

The couple currently maintains a relationship at a distance, as the singer is still living and the Netherlands and Hoedt have been living in Brussels since last June. In the conversation with the magazine, Heesters says that she attaches great importance to wearing ‘beautiful’ lingerie. “I also wear beautiful lingerie when I’m not with Wesley in Brussels. I just wear that for myself”, explains Heesters, who also pulls out even more when she is with Hoedt.

“Then the suspenders come out”, continues Heesters. “He was not used to that, that it is always a party in bed. I may have a neat image, but Wesley knows better now. Sensuality is important to me. It is powerful to dare to be yourself as a woman in the bedroom. Lingerie is an important part of that,” said Hoedt’s partner. The defender is also ‘fiery’ himself, and that is not only apparent from the ‘banging fights’ they sometimes have to endure.

“I was also very curious about my friend’s moves,” Heesters continues. “How does he dance? Because a man who can’t dance probably isn’t good in bed either. During our first date, Wesley kept looking at my mouth. He later confessed that he wanted to kiss me all night. He is very fiery. Sometimes we have big fights, but it’s just fine. Then it is extra fun to unpack in the bedroom with a nice set. For myself and for him, because it’s good to keep doing your best in a relationship,” concludes Heesters.

Hoedt is expected to remain living in Brussels in the coming years, as he signed a contract with Anderlecht in mid-June until mid-2025. The central defender came over from Southampton and was hired by Lazio from the last season the Saints. The latter club has decided to definitively sell the Dutchman after three rental periods. Hoedt still had a contract in England until mid-2022.


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