Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 12:11 PM• Rian Rosendaal

AZ is hopeful that Jordy Clasie and Bruno Martins Indi will also wear the shirt of the Alkmaar club next season. Football affairs director Max Huiberts expects Clasie to sign a new contract in the AFAS Stadium in the short term. The current commitment of the midfielder at AZ will expire in a few months. The challenge to keep Martins Indi in Alkmaar seems to be a bit more difficult for the club management.

The central defender is hired from Stoke City, where his contract expires in the summer of 2022. “So it will still be a ‘job’ to take him over,” Huiberts said on Thursday in a response to the Noordhollands Dagblad. “Financially it has to fit within the possibilities of AZ.” Martins Indi himself cannot say with certainty where he will play next season, although the mercenary emphasizes that he is having a good time in the selection of trainer Pascal Jansen.

“Whether it is an option that I will be here again next year? AZ suits me, the way of playing suits me. And playing at AZ offers me the chance to have a European stage and to play for prizes”, explains Martins Indi. in an interview with the aforementioned regional newspaper. “I really enjoy it and I am open to a longer stay. Whether that will happen depends on several parties.” Martins Indi earns a generous salary at Stoke City, although money is not the main motive of the man-driver. “I have a lot to spare for my sporting goals.”

Clasie also likes a longer stay at AZ, as was shown recently from an interview on the website of the club. “At the moment I am just happy here and I am talking to the club. So we will see from that in the coming weeks what my decision will be.” The words of the former Feyenoord midfielder are the motivation for Huiberts to complete the deal with Clasie. “It is going in the right direction, I have a positive feeling about it.”


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