Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 2:41 PM• Dominic Mostert

Eran Zahavi earns six million euros in two seasons at PSV, reports Football International Wednesday, on the basis of documents from a FIFA arbitration committee ruling over a conflict between Zahavi and his previous club in China. In September 2020, the striker switched from Guangzhou R&F to PSV. He then signed for an annual salary of one million euros and earned four million euros in drawing money.

Zahavi had a contract with Guangzhou R&F until the end of 2020, which is now known as Guangzhou City. In September 2020, however, a conflict arose between the attacker and his club. He decided to temporarily return to his home country of Israel due to international obligations, even though those games coincided with the program in the Chinese Super League and Zahavi would also have to quarantine upon his return to China. Although Guangzhou did not want to give him up, he still played in the duels with Scotland and Slovakia.

Zahavi himself believed he had received permission from his club, on the basis of a ‘somewhat confusedly worded letter from the club board, stating that the club had taken note of the player’s ‘unilateral decision’ to leave and that Guangzhou could therefore do little else. do than let him go’, writes Football International. Guangzhou thought otherwise and removed Zahavi from its own player list. Subsequently, a dispute arose about salaries still to be paid, after which his contract was terminated.

The FIFA arbitration committee ‘could largely agree with the attacker’s story’, who will be paid more than one and a half million euros in arrears over the months of August and September. With regard to the three months after, Zahavi’s demand is not fully granted, because he also played for PSV. The documents show that he earns one million euros per season in Eindhoven, plus a total amount of four million euros in drawing money.


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