Sunday, November 8, 2020 at

FC Utrecht captain Willem Janssen expressed his surprise in various media this weekend at the sudden departure of John van den Brom for Racing Genk. Hans Kraay junior in turn looks with amazement at the interview that the center defender gave to, among others FOX Sports. The routine mentioned, among other things, the WhatsApp group of the A selection that exploded. According to the analyst annex reporter, Janssen is allowed to speak out clearly about the departing Van den Brom.

“I don’t hear anything new from Janssen in those two minutes”, Kraay junior refers on Sunday morning in the television program Good morning Eredivisie according to the words of the Utrecht defender about the departure of Van den Brom from De Galgenwaard. “You can also ask what you think of this trainer? Are you disappointed or angry? Normally players always have an opinion about a trainer who has left. But I don’t hear it. You can just say that, can’t you?”

WhatsApp group FC Utrecht explodes due to the departure of Van den Brom

The departure of the head coach makes quite a difference in Utrecht.Read article

Kraay junior thinks that Van den Brom has not really felt at home at FC Utrecht for some time. “At last summer’s 50th anniversary, I was also there. They wanted to attack the top three, Van den Brom did not like that much of chairman Frans van Seumeren. four, five years. ” Kraay junior also thinks that the selection is not completely in balance. “With Mimoun Mahi and Eljero Elia you have two similar left wingers and there is not someone who shoots eighteen. They can have eight injuries, but that does not make them better or weaker. I don’t see any players who make a difference at FC Utrecht. “

Marciano Vink, who is also present, understands why the collaboration between FC Utrecht and Van den Brom will come to an early end. “There was already a little criticism of him, including Gyrano Kerk sitting on the bench”, said the former player of Ajax and PSV, among others. “It didn’t work out and Van den Brom was looking. He may have thought: I like it and will grab a lot of money in Belgium. He probably wouldn’t have gotten this FC Utrecht on track. “


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