Sunday, October 25, 2020 at

Mohamed Ihattaren is on his way back to PSV, Soufiane Touzani sees. The former football player and YouTube star, who works for his program Tika Taka Touzani interviewed the attacking midfielder of PSV, observes on Sunday on the talk show of Football International that the top talent has not been treated quite well by trainer Roger Schmidt. Touzani believes that the German could have approached Ihattaren otherwise.

Schmidt opts for a different way of playing with the Eindhoven players and indicated that Ihattaren did not bring enough. Thus, the young creative ended up on the couch. “It was all unnecessary,” says Touzani. “It has not been necessary to use this boy in this way. The real football connoisseurs, and I mean people who have played at a high level themselves, see that he is the best player in the selection. Why did this have to happen to him? You can also build the whole team around him, right? “

Touzani thinks Schmidt could have contributed a bit more to Ihattaren. “He lost his father and has not played football for months because of corona. Then you want to pass that phase and play football again. His grieving process is still there, I think it is very nice that he dares to say that. But if he returns then , and you are new as a coach and you know that Mo and Donyell Malen are your most important player … Then I don’t think Schmidt did it right. “

“Don’t forget: Mo is an exceptional player. Those kinds of players have a different mindset than others,” said Touzani. “He has played for the Dutch national team and I have also heard from players from Orange that he was really one of the better players there. He has always done everything with two fingers in the nose, but it is also about sincerity. Now it came. left over from: I am Roger Schmidt, I want it like this, you are going to do it like this, otherwise you will fall out. “

Touzani also refers to Mounir El Hamdaoui, who had to deal with trainer Frank de Boer at Ajax. “I like Frank de Boer very highly, but he also admitted that he did not do everything well with Mounir. Mounir was on the same level with Luis Suárez at Ajax. If you then see how both careers went … You can just destroy someone. I really think this trainer (Schmidt, ed.) played with fire “, Touzani says.