Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 6:44 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 18:56

Wout Weghorst has come under heavy fire in Germany. The VfL Wolfsburg striker was a guest in the program on Saturday aktuellen sports studio from ZDF, where he was confronted with his December skeptical statements about the seriousness of the coronavirus. Weghorst refused to part with his earlier statements in the program, which again led to a lot of criticism.

When the Dutchman was asked about the intentions of his previous opinion, he answered diplomatically. “I didn’t mean to offend anyone. And again, I apologize for the responses I have received, especially for the people who interpreted it differently. I certainly didn’t mean it that way. The only thing that matters to me is that each person has to decide for themselves. It is important to look at it critically and that is what it is all about. That was also important to me. Based on that, you have to make good decisions for yourself and your own future ”, says Weghorst.

Presenter Jochen Breyer then asked for a further explanation, but Weghorst did not want to go into the matter much deeper. “I not only posted that text, but also a link to a documentary that goes deeper into corona and vaccines,” he said. “I made a decision for myself. For me and my family, my girlfriend and my children. It is important for me that everyone makes a decision about this for themselves. It is my point of view the best decision.”

The ZDF believes that Weghorst is completely wrong by once again not renouncing his statements. “He has missed the opportunity, despite several requests, to distance himself from his previous statements,” was the response of the German channel. ZDF Weghorst asked about an Instagram post from mid-December, in which he shared a text downplaying the virus. He also shared a photo promoting a documentary in which vaccinations are called ‘poison’. Weghorst’s Instagram Stories were quickly removed.

“Imagine there is a vaccine that is so safe that you have to be forced to take it, for a disease so deadly that you have to get tested first to find out if you have it,” the report said. text accompanying Weghorst’s Instagram post in December. “THIS !!! People, inquire,” the attacker wrote. After a wave of criticism, the Dutchman did not rectify his words and only apologized “for the reactions he had received from people,” not for the content itself.

Technical director Jörg Schmadtke commented this weekend Sports buzzer know how to talk to the 28-year-old goalgetter, who was still accurate on Saturday afternoon in the lost game against Eintracht Frankfurt (4-3). “We will talk to him about it next week and then we will see what he has to explain.” Although Schmadtke has no problem with people who are critical of news reports, he does not think ‘that the facts should be distorted’. 57-year-old Schmadtke just recovered from a corona infection.