Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 13:50• Tom Rofekamp

A definitive report of rape has been made against Donny Warmerdam, reports presenter Dennis Schouten van gossip Wednesday. Schouten has again had contact with a nineteen-year-old woman, who at the beginning of February claimed to have been raped by Warmerdam six months earlier. At the time she was eighteen years old. The report against the Ajax player was officially filed last Friday, according to Schouten.

“A girl said to me that she was raped by him at a party six months ago,” Schouten said in the program at the beginning of February. “She reported to the police today and has also made an appointment to actually file a report.” Schouten said it was a nineteen-year-old woman with whom he himself had a date. He got to know the woman ‘via the Internet’ and spoke to her at his home. There, the woman told about the alleged events and the reason why she wants to report it.

Schouten told the story as he heard it from the woman. “She was at a party in Voorhout six months ago, he was there too. She thought he was a nice boy. They kissed, after which he pulled her upstairs. He wanted more than kisses. She clearly said she didn’t want to anymore “Yet he tore her pants to pieces, I saw pictures of that. He then did the deed with her. She didn’t want that. After about three minutes, she escaped the situation and she left the party.”

From minute 53:

The 26-year-old presenter explains in the program on Wednesday why there is relatively so much time between the plan of the declaration and the actual implementation. “There is a certain burden of proof that you have to submit. Nowadays, the police no longer pick up a sex offense if it doesn’t have a chance.” Witnesses are now also being heard in the case, Schouten has learned from the woman.

The possible complaint against Warmerdam is a new headache for Ajax, after the resignation of director of football affairs Marc Overmars due to cross-border behavior towards women within the club. In the past year, Ajax had to deal with alleged criminal offenses more often. Assistant coach Winston Bogarde has been accused of similar behavior to Overmars, Quincy Promes is currently facing charges of attempted murder, while Zakaria Labyad has been charged with assault and threats. The latter was acquitted this week by the Public Prosecution Service due to a lack of evidence.