Sunday, December 12, 2021 at 10:17 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 22:24

Eran Zahavi has been the victim of another burglary, reports RTL Boulevard Sunday night. The family of the PSV attacker had to deal with an armed robbery earlier this year, when Zahavi was not at home. This time, none of the family was home during the break-in. When asked, the Amsterdam police confirm that it is the same house in the Buitenveldert district.

Police are looking for two suspects. One was wearing a gray tracksuit with a black hood, according to police; the other a light jacket and dark trousers. They had two trolleys with them, but it is not known if they took anything. “We are fully engaged in the investigation. We take this very seriously and hope to be able to identify the suspects quickly,” said a police spokesman.

In the previous burglary at Zahavi’s house, which took place in May, his family was tied up and threatened with a firearm. The robbers beat Zahavi’s wife and allegedly cut off part of her hair. As far as is known, the suspects of that burglary have not yet been arrested.

In September, Zahavi looked back on the first break-in at his apartment. There were stories that he and his family no longer felt safe in the Netherlands and were considering returning to Israel. “I made a decision with my family that we thought would be good for us. We decided to stay,” he told


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