Monday, July 12, 2021 at 10:40 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 22:45

The press conference of Björn Kuipers has led to a lot of disbelief among Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp. The referee whistled the European Championship final won by Italy, after which he spoke to the press on his return to the Netherlands about his own performance at the European Championship and his future. The fact that a press moment took place ensures during The the Dutch Summer for much surprise and hilarity among the table gentlemen.

“If they suggest that to you, you can just say that you don’t do it”, Van der Gijp starts. “He really shouldn’t do that. You’re not going to sit there like this: look at me blowing my flute. Stop it please,” the analyst grumbles. Hélène Hendriks, herself present at the Kuipers press conference, explains that the event partly comes from the sponsor, ARAG. “They are the main sponsor and they are very involved in Kuipers’ performance. And they organized that with the KNVB. We really thought that Kuipers was going to announce his farewell, because that’s why we went there,” said the journalist, who is interrupted by Van der Gijp.

“This is pure self-gratification man. And why would you give that sponsor their moment too? What is all this about? What must that Mancini not do? He’s giving a press conference at the Vatican in a moment. I really think this is too crazy for words. A referee is just someone who whistles best when he is completely invisible,” says the analyst, who is supported by Derksen. “These people themselves do not realize that they are a great asshole. Anyone with a sane mind wonders what kind of idiots those are.”

Contrary to expectations, the referee did not announce his retirement during the press moment. “I also read the newspapers and the reactions: ‘A very strong farewell to Kuipers’ international career’. I’m not that far yet,” said Kuipers at his press conference. He said, among other things, that he has always dreamed of a European and World Cup final. With the whistle of the European Championship final on Sunday evening, a dream has come true, said Kuipers. In a year and a half, the World Cup in Qatar is on the program. At a World Cup, two referees from the same country are not allowed to whistle, so that Kuipers could get in the way of Danny Makkelie. Kuipers is asked whether he will consider this. “I don’t know yet, I’ll think about it.”

The KNVB also praised the performance of the Dutch referees at the European Championship. “They show time and again that their success is the result of hard work, a lot of training and a willingness to constantly improve. Their success is a source of inspiration for boys and girls to start whistling as well. Many of them indicate that they see Kuipers as their great example”, was the praise of the KNVB. Derksen thinks the statement is exaggerated: “Those boys and girls don’t exist at all!”