Monday, December 13, 2021 at 12:54 PM• Jeroen van Poppel

The draw for the eighth finals of the Champions League may have to be over. Two huge mistakes were made in Monday afternoon’s draw: Villarreal was linked to Manchester United, but both teams have already met in the group stage and were therefore unable to meet again. Manchester United were also excluded from the draw against Atlético Madrid.

At the time when an opponent for Villarreal was being sought, the ball bearing the name of Manchester United should not have been in the bin. However, Michael Heselschwerdt, head of club competitions, made a mistake and retired the Red Devils but in the bin, after which former Arsenal star Andrey Arshavin happened to pick the English superpower.

UEFA director Giorgio Marchetti quickly realized that Manchester United cannot play against Villarreal, after which a new ball was taken by Arshavin: Manchester City became the opponent of the Spaniards. In principle, this did not affect the draw, but this did happen a few seconds later with a new error.

After the diptych between Villarreal and City was determined, it was Atlético Madrid’s turn. Marchetti mentions Manchester United as a possible opponent for the Madrilenians, but Heselschwerdt does not take United’s ball: it was therefore impossible for Manchester United to be linked to Atlético. In the end, Arshavin took Bayern Munich out of the box as an opponent for the Spanish top club.