Lars Capiau

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Tragic news from Indonesia. During a friendly match between two second division players, 2FLO FC Bandung and FBI Subang, a player from the latter club died. Septian Rahajra was struck by lightning and died shortly afterwards in hospital from his injuries.

The club confirmed the player's death on social media channels. The opponent also shares the condolences online. “We, the family of FLO2 FC Bandung, are deeply saddened by the passing of Septian Raharja. May he rest in peace.”

According to the local medium PRFM News Raharja did not die instantly, but was still breathing. He was transported to hospital, where his injuries were found to be serious.

Disaster struck due to the rapidly changing weather. Witnesses reportedly reported that it was cloudy and raining just before the lightning strike.

The change in weather would have quickly escalated the situation. However, both teams continued to play football until the tragic moment occurred. The images show how Raharja's teammates rushed to the victim and carried him off the field.

Unfortunately it was to no avail. 34-year-old Raharja was pronounced dead at hospital. A video of the incident went viral on social media moments later.

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