Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 8:08 PM• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 20:11

The video message from Feyenoord director Mark Koevermans to his own fans falls badly with Hugo Borst. The writer adds The Grandstand on ESPN questions the general manager’s appeal to season ticket holders and sponsors to refrain from refunds for missed games. “Are they going to do it? I hope they will, but I think Feyenoord is asking a lot from the Legion and the sponsors,” said Borst.

The football analyst calls the timing of the video ‘very unfortunate’. “Would have built this up a bit better: would this have started communicating from January. It all looks panicky. I also thought the performance of Mark Koevermans … I thought it was a very bad movie. ‘Pull that shit’, there it comes actually it boils down to. Then you ask quite a bit. “

Borst would understand if fans are not eager to part with their money. “The Feyenoord supporters have not seen anything in the stadium. When they watched television, they have seen an erratic team that has been eliminated for almost everything. The question is whether European football is in it. And then ask if you want a sacrifice. Then you already ask a lot. What surprises me: I have asked left and right: “Do you want to do that?” To Feyenoord supporters with a season ticket. And even people who can miss it, they still have that in mind for themselves. “

According to Borst, supporters do not see the plea in isolation from the arrival of Lucas Pratto, who was hired for tons from River Plate in January. “They also cannot separate it from Feyenoord City. So there is a lot of distrust towards Feyenoord. At Sparta Rotterdam 95 percent say: ‘Never mind.’ I hope for Feyenoord that they achieve 75 percent. That would mean that they only spend three million euros on it, “calculates Borst. Koevermans said that a total amount of fifteen million euros could be recovered.

Borst believes that Feyenoord could have approached the video differently itself. “Of course you could have asked Mario Been, Peter Houtman, Ben Wijnstekers, Steven Berghuis, John de Wolf … Would have put seven men there: historic Feyenoord, Feyenoord today. Together, I think that would have had more impact.” In any case, Borst will wonder how many people are giving the money to Feyenoord. “Everyone has a hard time in these times. If the people who are lucky also say: ‘Did my Feyenoord really deserve that?’ There is also a new season coming up. That means that if you let this go and you have to buy a new season ticket again in May, June … “


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