Valentijn Driessen has written in his latest column The Telegraph reflected on the departure of Robert Eenhoorn. The general manager of AZ will resign from his position on July 1. Eenhoorn was employed by AZ for ten years.

Driessen states that Eenhoorn has done 'great work' together with technical director Max Huiberts. “AZ became a model club in all areas. Corona, a collapsed roof, exile to The Hague; sportingly, financially and organizationally, Eenhoorn leaves behind a very healthy club with a bright future.”

“The big ambitions have been let go,” Driessen continues. “Despite the small stadium and the limited hinterland, Eenhoorn still wanted to become champion of the Netherlands.”

Eenhoorn wanted to clear the way for external financiers to take sporting steps with AZ. “But Supervisory Board chairman René Neelissen, the man behind the averted bankruptcy in 2003, prefers to play it safe.”

“He stands for the continuation of AZ's current role in (inter)national football. Growth is fine, but only organic. That attitude clashes with the personality of top athlete Eenhoorn, who always seeks the challenge of more and better.”

Eenhoorn's upcoming departure did not come as a surprise to Driessen. “After the baseball association and AZ, the sports landscape here is too small for him. With his ambitions, vision and ideas about top sports organizations, Eenhoorn will cross the border.”

Unicorn response

AZ announced Eenhoorn's departure in a press release on Monday. “I noticed a certain metal fatigue setting in. A club like AZ deserves full commitment and that energy turned out to be increasingly difficult for me to find,” said Eenhoorn.

“AZ has been at the top of the Eredivisie for years and has also left an excellent impression in a European context. I am particularly proud of the way our youth present themselves, not least because this represents a stable future for the club in in the coming years.”

Unicorn remains unclear what he will focus on in the near future. “There is no insight yet into what I will do next and to avoid all speculation: there is no next step in sight yet.”

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