Mauro Júnior left an excellent impression in the first half of the match between Ajax and PSV (1-1 halftime score). The Brazilian, who started in midfield due to personnel problems at PSV, is praised by journalists at X. “Mauro is the oil man before half time,” says Rik Elfrink of the Eindhovens Dagblad.

PSV is missing Joey Veerman and Guus Til, so Peter Bosz had to improvise in midfield. Mauro plays on the left controlling next to Jerdy Schouten, while Ismael Saibari is stationed at 10.

“Mauro Júnior is the surprise at PSV in the first half,” says Elfrink. “He is the oil man before half time, who is also good in a number of dangerous situations. It is 1-1 at half time against Ajax. The top match is intensive and interesting, with danger on both sides.”

Also Jeroen Kapteijns from The Telegraph is impressed. “It's great how Mauro Junior is playing his part in the PSV midfield after a long absence. The little Brazilian is playing an excellent first half. The question will be how long he can keep it up because he obviously still lacks match rhythm and content.”

PSV has few options due to the wave of injuries. Bosz can substitute eighteen-year-old Tygo Land and Isaac Babadi in midfield. Left back Patrick van Aanholt is also an option as a controlling midfielder.

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