Monday, October 12, 2020 at

Willem van Hanegem is disappointed by the bad start of Frank de Boer at Orange. The former footballer hoped that the Dutch national team could show the world that it counts again as a football country, but notes after the 0-0 draw against Bosnia-Herzegovina that the Orange still has to take many steps. The Curve saw that striker Luuk de Jong was insufficiently served from the wings, but he did not think that was the biggest problem for Orange.

“The biggest problem was of course the slow pace,” writes Van Hanegem in his column for it Algemeen Dagblad. “De Boer said it was difficult against an opponent who grouped well in his own half. There are two ways to get around that. Opportunism, as Orange did in the final phase. That provided plenty of chances. But the pace is better from the start. to set the start so high that Bosnia gasps. “

Newspapers filleting choice of De Boer: ‘It turned out completely wrong’

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Van Hanegem points to, among other things, the game of Frenkie de Jong. “Playing around is fun, but you have to go forward. Frenkie de Jong is a very important player, but in these kinds of matches it is pointless to play someone in the width and then run after the ball in that same direction. he did too often. Stay in position, play balls forward, find the third man there. I haven’t seen it all against the second team of Bosnia-Herzegovina. “

The columnist believes that the absence of the suspended Memphis Depay should not be an excuse. “If you play so slowly, it doesn’t matter at all who is at the point of the attack. I really only thought Stefan de Vrij and Virgil van Dijk achieved a good level. Frank de Boer should also distance himself from this week. those crazy notes that Dwight Lodeweges keeps coming up with. Orange is not really a kindergarten. “


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