Monday, March 8, 2021 at 9:25 PM• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 22:09

Johan Derksen is certainly not convinced of the added value of Leonne Stentler at Studio Voetbal. The former player of ADO Den Haag and Ajax regularly appears in the talk show of the NOS, also last Sunday, and speaks with a certainty that Derksen does not like.

Stentler is discussed because of a statement by her about Dick Advocaat. According to the former football player, the Feyenoord trainer cannot tactically deal with an opponent who plays with two strikers. “He (Lawyer, ed.) Asked me who that is,” said Hans Kraay junior. “She is an ex-player of Ajax, who has a very good view of football. I know her too, because she sometimes does something with us at ESPN. But Lawyer asked for the match (against VVV-Venlo, ed.): “Who insulted me?” I said I hadn’t seen it, because on Friday I do the switching program (on ESPN, ed.). “

René van der Gijp is less impressed with Stentler. “Well, well, well, Hansie. That is not too bad, though. With your good view of football. “Derksen is also surprised at Stentler’s statements about Advocaat.” I find that quite strange for a girl who knows nothing about it, to briefly tell Dick Advocaat, who has been a top correct. I turned on the TV yesterday and that girl is just fucking like she knows what it is. With a certainty of … really fucking with those guys, eh. “Kraay junior takes it up again for Stentler.” She could be wrong with Dick, right? But I like her. “


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