Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at

Telstar’s unbeaten series of recent weeks in the Kitchen Champion Division has come to an end. After a run of three draws and a win in a row, the team of trainer Andries Jonker lost on Tuesday-evening with 1-2 to Go Ahead Eagles, which had only had a paltry point from the last two matches. Due to the victory of the Deventer visitors, both teams now have the same number of points after eleven meetings: sixteen.

Telstar sold no fewer than 22,500 tickets before the match against Go Ahead. The cards were sold for 1.63 euros each (a reference to the founding year 1963), with which Telstar has already raised more than 59,000 euros. That money does not go to the club fund, but to Support Casper. That is the foundation of Feyenoord club doctor Casper van Eijk, who conducts research into pancreatic cancer.

It is the second time this season that Telstar is raising money through a virtual ticket sales campaign. Earlier this season, almost 7500 tickets for the home game with TOP Oss were also sold. The amount raised was intended for the seriously ill father of press officer Dennis Bliek. Telstar and Go Ahead Eagles did not warm the football fans who stayed away on Tuesday evening. One goal attempt for both teams was the meager result of the first 45 minutes.

Sam Hendriks received the ball after more than twenty minutes of play on the edge of the box and then forced Jasper Schendelaar to save. Five minutes before half time, Glynor Plet headed the ball to the bottom right corner, after which Jay Gorter skillfully saved. Eleven minutes after the break, the home team’s 1-0 fell. After bad defending, Plet placed the ball from the turn in the far corner behind Gorter. However, the lead of the North Hollanders only remained intact for twelve minutes.

Jacob Mulenga, who came in for Antoine Rabillard, headed the ball with his first touch at the far post: 1-1. The Van Wonderen team started to put a little more pressure on and already got a nice opportunity through Zakaria Eddahchouri. He cut and fired right into Schendelaar’s hands. A few minutes it was again Mulenga who headed the ball in at the far post after a scrimmage in the penalty area.

Voetbalzone is the official media partner of the Kitchen Champion Division

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