Friday, December 31, 2021 at 10:48 am• Tom Rofekamp • Last update: 10:50

Sydney van Hooijdonk has agreed with Bologna that he will be rented out in January. The 21-year-old striker, who came over on a free transfer from NAC Breda this summer, was initially not allowed to leave the current number ten in the Serie A. Van Hooijdonk was already associated with a return to the Netherlands last month, but de Brabander gives interested parties club little chance.

Van Hooijdonk only played 39 minutes in Italy for the time being, but initially did not receive approval for a rental. “While I would have liked that myself,” says the son of former professional Pierre van Hooijdonk in an interview with BN/The Voice. “In consultation with Bologna, it has now been agreed that I will be rented out after all. It will become clear in the coming weeks what it will be.” SC Heerenveen, among others, would be interested in the striker, the reported Leeuwarder Courant early December. The Frisians are diligently looking for an alternative to Henk Veerman, the only pure center attacker in the selection.

Return to the Eredivisie beckons for Sydney van Hooijdonk

At the beginning of December, the Leeuwarder Courant wrote about sc Heerenveen’s interest in Van Hooijdonk.Read article

However, Van Hooijdonk, who scored fifteen hits in the Kitchen Champion Division on behalf of NAC last season, has bad news for Heerenveen. “I don’t know whether I should want to return to the Netherlands. Then I will come under a magnifying glass again. “If you go back to the Netherlands, you have to compete against all kinds of expectations,” said Thom (Haye, ed.). right in. In Italy I don’t have that problem, because nobody knows me yet.” Van Hooijdonk sees a rental within Italy as a more realistic option – also than England, for example. “If I go there, I should continue to learn the language via my laptop. That is of course slower than continuing to live in Italy.”

Despite his limited number of playing minutes, Van Hooijdonk has not regretted his choice for a moment. “Bologna is the ideal step to go abroad for the first time. It is very educational. The city is great. And the club has many young, talented and international players. I have never felt alone because of that. I feel confidence and is comfortable in my own skin.” He is therefore not worried about the fact that he has not played a minute in the last seven games. “The first six months went exactly as I expected. Because I came in more often in the beginning, I hoped that there would be more in it. That is very human. But with expectations you also get disappointments. Then it is good back to switch gears and realize where I come from.”


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