Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 09:37• Mart Oude Nijeweeme • Last update: 09:41

Helmond Sport is disappointed in the way in which Guus Hiddink has interfered with the dismissal of trainer Wil Boessen. The chairman of the professional association Coaches Paid Football (CBV) states that a new trainer was already on the field before the departure around Boessen was neatly completed. According to Helmond Sport, this is not the case at all. The club calls it a ‘pity’ that the association ‘went directly to the media’.

“This does not show good employership,” said Hiddink as chairman of the CBV about the trainer issue at Helmond Sport. “It has not been a discussion among clubs for fifteen years. It is unacceptable that the new coaching staff at Helmond Sport has been leading the training sessions at Helmond Sport since Tuesday without any form of consultation, let alone consent. The CBV demands that Helmond Sport only put the new staff on the field let alone after a written agreement has been reached with Wil Boessen and Frank van Kempen.”

The reaction of the club from the Kitchen Champion Division is not long in coming. “Helmond Sport is sorry that the trade union Coaches Professional Football has announced in the media that Helmond Sport would have violated certain agreements from the collective labor agreement. Helmond Sport feels compelled to respond to this,” said Helmond, who had indicated to the CBV on Thursday with there will be a response. “For reasons inexplicable to us, the CBV has chosen not to wait for that response and instead to immediately seek the media on February 16, 2022.”

Helmond Sport regrets this. Helmond Sport is of the opinion that parties should always first try to reach a solution in mutual consultation. It therefore believes that CBV should first have entered into a discussion with Helmond Sport and not directly go to the media. Due to its behavior, the CBV only makes finding a solution more difficult. Helmond Sport attaches great importance to emphasizing that it is of the opinion that it has not violated the collective labor agreement. It concerns a difference of opinion about the explanation of an article from the collective labor agreement, which, according to Helmond Sport, is not an obligation.”

Voetbalzone is the official media partner of the Kitchen Champion Division

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